A few weeks ago I told you guys my feelings about birthday cake – I am SUPER into them. Really, I think I just have an affinity for cake in general (photo evidence here) – but in my dessert memories, birthday cakes seem to stand out among the rest.
This most likely due to the fact that literally, no one can judge you for how much cake you eat on your birthday. And in my mind, I roll that rule over into the next when I am eating leftover birthday cake for breakfast.
But I have come to understand that not everyone feels this way about cake. There are people with gluten allergies, milk allergies, egg allergies…you know – legitimate medical stuff like that. And then there are some people who just straight up just don’t like cake. Are those people sociopaths and/or serial killers? I will leave that up to you to decide…
What I am trying to say here is that just because someone can’t have cake on their birthday does not mean they should go without some sort of birthday treat. So, today I have complied a list of my favorite non-birthday cake birthday treats!
Here are my top 5…
1. Birthday Cake Macarons (GF)
2. Chocolate Birthday Cake Doughnuts
3. Chocolate Chip Birthday Cake Cookies
Here are some other great options…
Confetti Rice Kirspy Treats (GF)
Party Popcorn (GF)
Chocolate Birthday Cake Doughnuts
Ok…that is it all I have for now!
Happy Baking!