This week’s cake is based off these lyrics from Taylor Swift’s song “I Know Places”…
Just grab my hand and don’t ever drop it
My love
They are the hunters, we are the foxes
And we run
I like this song for a lot of reasons…but instead of boring you all with my long list, I will give you my top three.
1. The intro
2. The part where she screams AND WE RUNNNN really really loudly
3. The lines “And you know for me, it’s always you…And I know for you, it’s always me”
I have not had a boyfriend for a while, and my recent online dating adventures have shown me that I am by no means a relationship expert – but for me, those last few lines sum it up pretty well. It doesn’t matter what is going on in the world around you, because in the end, all that matters in a relationship is the two people in it.
Hopefully one day I will actually be able to put that concept into practice. But as for now, I will just be singing AND WE RUNNNN really really loudly in my car.